Hit: How Do I Manage the "Anti-Champion?"
Summary of the three ways to deal w your "Anti-Champion."
You will learn how to use a Question Board, isolate the "A-C", and how to leverage your champion in a huddle afterward.
Hit: What Do I Do When My Meeting is Ghosted?
Summary of the three things to do when a customer no-shows your meeting.
You will learn how to respond, re-close, and follow up.
Hit: How Do I Create My "Why You?™ ("Triggers")
Summary of the three things you need to remember when looking for triggers on your WYWYN emails.
You will learn the importance of prospecting to companies, multithreading through research, and prioritizing authenticity.
Hit: How Do I Uncover the "T" in BANT?
Summary of the three ways to uncover the "Time" element in "BANT."
You will learn how to reveal past timelines, understand current ones, and build urgency.
Hit: What Do I Do When a Ghost Returns?
Summary of the three things to do when a vanished prospect resurfaces.
You will learn how to demonstrate scarcity, reverse closing, and re-engagement.
Hit: How Do I Start My Perfect Meeting®?
Summary of the three elements the introduction layer of "The Perfect Meeting®" technique.
You will learn how to close for time, agenda, and permission.
Hit: Technical Win: Prep
Summary of the three things you need to do before closing for the technical win.You will learn the how to isolate your technical influencer, inspire personal language, and prep for a champion close.
Hit: Your WYWYN® Voicemail
Summary of the three ways to leave a powerful voicemail.
You will learn how to its construct your vm, how to close over vm, and the art of ending on a number.
Hit: How Do I Confirm My Champion?
Summary of the three things to do to confirm you have a Champion.
You will learn how to approach, close, and assign responsibility to your Champion.
Hit: How Do I Engage with an Assistant?
Summary of the three ways to prospect to the Executive Assistant role.
You will learn how to establish yourself as "Student," close the EA directly, and re-close.
Hit: How Do I Close for the Technical Win?
Summary of the three things you need to do to close for the technical win.You will learn the how to make an assumptive ask, gather detail, and take the win to your champion.
Hit: The WYWYN® Unplugged!
Summary of the three elements of the "Why You? Why You Now?" technique.
You will learn the Trigger, the Value Prop, and the Close." -
Hit: Why You Now?® Unplugged: Value Proposition
The entire WYWYN prospecting technique is predicated on the use of sales triggers but triggers are meaningless without a strong tieback to the value you deliver.
Hit: How Do I Accelerate My Last Perfect Meeting?® (Follow Up)
Hit: Multithreading with Triggers
Summary of the three things you need to remember to take your triggers and WYWYN emails to the next level.You will learn the how to go bigger, wider, and get more surgical with your triggers.
Hit: Your WYWYN® Cold Call? (Bridges)
Make a cold-call/ Start a cold call/ Three bridges
- We've never met
- My name is
- Based on this I thought I'd start with you -
Hit: How Do I Avoid a Gatekeeper? (Non-Power)
Summary of the three things to do when realize your prospect has no power.
You will learn how to breakup with a prospect, pivot, and multi-thread your account.
Hit: When Should I Leave a Voicemail?
Hit: How Do I Accelerate Your Next Perfect Meeting™ (Prep)
Your meeting is only as successful as your prep. Prepare for successful meetings with our preflight checklist.
Hit: How Do I Close for a Discovery Call?
Summary of the three ways to close for a first meeting.
You will learn how to position the prospect, close for time, and get their cell phone number in the process.
Hit: How Do I Create My "Gives?" ("Leverage")
Hit: How Do I Use Social Paradigm® (Teacher/Student)
Social Paradigms™ are the easiest way to shift the dynamic between you and your buyer.
Hit: How Do I Learn Buying Signs?
Hit: How Do I Create My "Gets?" ("Commitment")